Gnosis, a preamble to love
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For neuroscience, the dream would be a kind of creative exercise to re-anchor us to our deepest identityOur dreams (or nightmares) free from time and ordinary space, would help us face four types of threats:1 / aspiration to a full power (inflation of the ego)2 / a tendency to act at the expense of others (of otherness)3 / the influence of the past (mental blocks, suffering)4 / a denial of our dark side(defects, fears)The messages of our dreams encourage us in 1001 ways to establish a fairer relationship with ourselvesWhen we are listening to the genius of the dream, a relief can take place "I dreamt of a place and then I discover it in real life" ...There are chances but also synchronicities. Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of two or more events that are not causally related,but whose association makes sense for the person who perceives them Synchronicity is a moment chosen for the accomplishment of its purpose (it is the kairos of the Greeks) The so-called double slit experiment (considered by many to be the most beautiful of physics) proves that quantum mechanics is fundamentally probabilistic Our logics are built on causalities, but quantially reality is only random, made of probabilities But that's not all, matter is constituted from observation and intention Together we are the co-creators of the human experience, of a collective consciousness Since attention and intention create reality,several paths exist and will exist Scientifically, time is not a line on which causes produce effects Space and time are not only relative but they are also linked: they can not be defined separately and form a four-dimensional continuum, space-time. The idea behind Einstein's equations is that space-time is like a fabric that matter and energy deform and bend Thanks to quantum physics we know that time is not universal, it is polemic-rhythmic, not oriented and not linear Several times can be superimposed. Like color, time is one of our mental constructions to interpret the worldthat surrounds us The intuitive notion that we have of time would come from the behavior of thermodynamic systems One of the strongest ideas of string theory (or cluster) is the holographic principle It suggests that our entire Universe is a system of interacting quantum particles.Nothing touches you, nothing is empty, everything is interconnected In the meantime, we need to live "here and now" that the time arrow is unidirectional to evolve, we need time duration and space scales to form structures We need spatial separations so that our bodies can think of themselves as enclaves within a world Relations to the world diverge. So there are conceptions of truth (adequacy between reality and the man who thinks it) However, a base of "truths" allows cohabitation between humans. It is inherited from evolution, he is inscribed in our brains To cement our home groups evolution has endowed us with the ability to cr
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