Sex, Moonkinology and Space Culture: Fear & Loathing In Moonglade

par Millenium_TV

Plus d'informations sur Baron SoosdonThis movie is a scientifically accurate depiction of that feel when you get hit by a moonfire.WHY?! I'll fucking tell you why.1) There's not enough moonkin machinima around nowadays. I am looking at you VoodooRay - come back!2) There's not enough psytrance used in machinima these days. Had to fix that.3) There's no (visible) sex in this movie. Olibith told me that adding 'sex' to the title will guarantee a bazillion trillion million views and subscribers.It was just outside of Moonglade when the moonfires started to kick in..This is how the project looked on my Vegas timeline: you really want to go even deeper into the secrets of Moonkinology, view the machinima in a bit different way:

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