Girl rides Greg Jennings like a bull

par CulturePub

Can muscles rule the world? ADVERT 1: Larger than life / Thanks to Greg Jennings Country: United States Brand: Old Spice Year: 2012 ADVERT 2: The magic of advertising / Starring Greg Jennings Country: United States Brand: Old Spice Year: 2012 Agency: Wieden + Kennedy (Portland) ADVERT 3: The one-man band / Terry Crews has a good sense of rhythm Country: United States Brand: Old Spice Year: 2012 Agency: Wieden + Kennedy (Portland) Director: Tom KUNTZ Creative Direction: Jason BAGLEY / Craig ALLEN Artistic Direction: Max STINSON Executive Producer: Scott HOWARD Director of photography: Chris SOOS Editor: Erik LAROI Producer: Mjz Plus de Pubs : ... Tous droits réservés. Pour toute information, contacter

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