Top 5: Craziest sport fails!
par CulturePub
Sometimes people should only watch it on tv instead of actually going for it. Unfortunately they often realize that when bad things happen to them... Let's enjoy this compilation of the funniest sports fails ads! Pro Line (Canada 2004) Adidas (Nederland 2008) Tine (Norway 2009) Amp'd mobile (USA 2007) NBA (USA 2003) Sifting through hundreds of thousand TV ads, all over the world, Culturepub looks for the funniest & selects three of them daily for you to laugh and share with your friends. For a quick 3-minute daily snack of New Zealand, Slovenian, Norwegian, US, French ads over the past 40 years, subscribe to our channel !Plus de Pubs : .... Tous droits réservés. Pour toute information, contacter
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