TOP 5 Beach Babes: HOT or NOT? ft. Kate Upton

par CulturePub

What do you find hotter, Kate Upton in a pink bikini ? ... Or perhaps a sexy lady in a g-string on the beach! CBS -- Interrogation USA 2007 Sprite -- Fashion Show Argentina 2008 Axe -- Douche à la plage France 2011 Dr. Pepper - Couple sur la plage USA 2003 Sobe -- Staring contest USA 2011 Sifting through hundreds of thousand TV ads, all over the world, Culturepub looks for the funniest & selects three of them daily for you to laugh and share with your friends. For a quick 3-minute daily snack of New Zealand, Slovenian, Norwegian, US, French ads over the past 40 years, subscribe to our channel ! All rights reserved. For all inquiries, please send us a message Plus de Pubs : .... Tous droits réservés. Pour toute information, contacter

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