We Belong Here - Asteria Rani

par Gameloft

For today's interview, Asteria Rani, Communications Specialist at Gameloft Yogyakarta, tells us what diversity and inclusion in a game looks like to her, and why it's important - “I think integrating diversity and inclusion in gaming can change people’s lives.” #WeBelongHere #DiversityAndInclusion #Gaming ****************************** Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE ►https://gmlft.co/Subscribe-Gameloft-Y​​... Visit our official site at http://www.gameloft.com​​ Check out the new blog at http://gmlft.co/central​​ Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook: https://gmlft.co/Gameloft-Facebook​​ Twitter: https://gmlft.co/Gameloft-Twitter​​ Instagram: https://gmlft.co/Gameloft-Instagram​​ YouTube: https://gmlft.co/Gameloft-YouTube​​ *** 2022 Gameloft. All Rights Reserved

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