Ultimate Hip Hop Dance Throwdown | The Hip Hop Dance Experience

par Ubisoft

Welcome to the Hip Hop Dance Throwdown! Ubisoft, the makers of the Hip Hop Dance Experience, have been working with some superstar NFL players to re-invent their endzone dances with some Hip Hop flair. Every time they perform the move on field, Ubisoft will donate to the player's chosen charities: The Boys & Girls Club, Von's Vision, and the LeSean McCoy Foundation. Now it's time for these players to battle it out in the Ultimate Hip Hop Dance Throwdown. Vote for your favorite player now by tweeting out who you think should win! Ubisoft will be donating an extra $10k to the winning player's chosen charity. • Vote #TeamVon @HHDExperience for Von Miller of the Denver Bronco's "DeSoto Shuffle" • Vote #TeamLeSean @HHDExperience for LeSean McCoy of the Philadelphia Eagles "Shady Swipe" • Vote #TeamCrab @HHDExperience for Michael Crabtree of the San Francisco 49ers "Crab Shake" May the best move win! The Hip Hop Dance Experience is out November 13th 2012. Join the Hip Hop Party on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHipHopDanceExperience Visit our website! http://hiphop-dance.ubi.com/en-US/

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