Nintendo 3DS - Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call - Legacy of Music: Final Fantasy IV - VI

par Nintendo

The 16 bit debut of FINAL FANTASY was heralded by FINAL FANTASY IV, which showed to the world that that an RPG could tell a compelling and powerful story. This game and those that followed introduced a host of multi-faceted characters that faced real-world choices and consequences along their journeys. The Active Time Battle system also made its first appearance in this generation, giving a more real-time feel to the combat. THEATRHYTHM FINAL FANTASY CURTAIN CALL will be available on September 16th in North America for $39.99 at and other participating retailers. In Europe, the game will be released on 19th September for € 39.99 for the Limited Edition & € 54.99 for the Collector's Edition. Like Us on Facebook: Official Site:

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