News of the week from 19092019

par MCE TV

News of the week Champions League: Paris destroys Real Madrid thanks to Di María (3: 0) Canada: a photo of Justin Trudeau appears in Blackface, which "deeply regrets" North: a black panther on the roofs of Armentieres Toulouse: a PSG supporter was sentenced for a selfie with Kylian Mbappé in the full game Brexit: the EU asks London to start serious negotiations to avoid a "no agreement" Gas cars pollute up to five times more than diesel Florence Parly: "The fight didn't end against Daesh, it changed its nature" Fukushima nuclear disaster: three former TEPCO executives acquitted SNCF: Jean-Pierre Farandou succeeds Guillaume Pepy as head of the group Saudi Arabia accuses Iran of "sponsoring" drone attacks The Paris metro is contaminated with very fine particles. "You and I form a team": Barack Obama to Greta Thunberg France has not changed its mind and still refuses to grant asylum to Edward Snowden Israel: Benyamin Netanyahu calls Benny Gantz to form a national unity government Global warming will be stronger than expected, warn French scientists

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