Les Actus de la semaine

par MCE TV

The acts of the week French "Gafa Tax":Washingtoncounterattacksby openingan investigation UK companies ready to pay more to attract skilled expats Accused of having negotiated financing with Russia, Matteo Salvini denies Trump reiterates his threats against Iran Brexit:Ursula von der Leyen,speaking at the EuropeanParliament, is readyto give more time tothe United Kingdom Algeria: an Islamist in the presidency of the National Assembly Dam Three Gorges damaged? Denial of media reinforces Chinese anxiety The Pacific Islands are increasingly popular on the cocaine route Merkel again takestremors,"the interrogation more and more strong" Venezuela: Juan Guaidó accepts new negotiations with power The economic stakes were right for homeopathy in France Post insults online: Instagram asks users to think twice Diplomatic leaks: under pressure, British ambassador to the United States resigns The announced end of "male guardianship" in Saudi Arabia In China, an experienced citizen rating system in several cities Europe forced to buffer Washington and Tehran

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