IEM 5 European Championship - Presented by SteelSeries

par Steelseries

With Natus Vincere having won almost anything in 2010, they were huge favourites going into the first big event of 2011. FnaticMSI on the other hand, had lost long time members GeT_RiGhT, f0rest and Gux a few weeks before the IEM 5 European Championship in Kiev commenced. Nontheless it was Fnatic who would raise their fists in victory following three days of intense gaming. With Xizt, Delpan and Pita taking the places of the lost members, Patrik 'cArn' Sättermon and Harley 'dsn' Örwall had succesfully reformed the team and taken the event which no one had thought they could win. The final top three looks like this: 1. fnatic - $20,000 2. mTw - $9,000 3. Frag eXecutors - $5,500

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