How Epson partner Sistemi Integrati brought a forgotten Mantegna painting to life

par Epson

Imagine discovering that a painting in storage was a lost and forgotten work by Italian Renaissance painter Andrea Mantegna. And then facing the challenge of how to tell the story of this amazing discovery. Accademia Carrara, in Bergamo, Italy, harnessed technology to deliver a truly immersive experience. Their technology partner, Sistemi Integrati, chose Epson's EB-L1755U installation projectors with ELPLU03 and ELPLX02 lenses to edge blend the entire floor and walls in this art gallery. These projectors and lenses were chosen for key features including: zero offset lenses and colour rendering, plus versatility and ease of programming. The overall effect was stunning and allowed visitors to get up really close and almost to feel they were entering the work of art.

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