GIGABYTE Gaming Laptops with NVIDIA GTX 800M Series Graphics 技嘉GTX 800M系列電競筆電

par Gigabyte Technology

GIGABYTE gaming laptops comes with the latest NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 800M gaming level graphics, 4th generation Intel® Core™ i7 processers, massive storage system supporting RAID 0 technology, 1080p FHD wide viewing angle display and superior backlit keyboard. Designed for gamers, these laptops deliver splendid visuals and immersive sound in an overall class-leading mobile gaming experience. 技嘉GTX系列電競遊戲筆電,集結全新超強NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 800M震撼玩家級獨顯、第4代 Intel® Core™ i7處理器,超大容量儲存系統,1080p Full HD 超廣角高畫質螢幕以及玩家必備背光鍵盤,前所未見的旗艦電競規格配備,全面升級上陣!

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