GIGABYTE 8 Series G1-Killer™ Gaming Motherboards
par Gigabyte Technology
GIGABYTE 8 Series G1-Killer™ Gaming Motherboards GIGABYTE 8 Series G1-Killer motherboards are packed with absolutely everything you'll need to build an uncompromising, high-performance gaming PC. Loaded with advanced audio technologies, dual networking, maxed out multi-card gaming support, advanced cooling and looks that could kill, GIGABYTE G1-Killer motherboards are the ultimate choice for serious PC gamers. 技嘉8 系列G1-Killer™ 主機板 技嘉8系列G1-Killer 主機板整合眾多技嘉獨家功能,以滿足您建構全能高效遊戲主機的所有需求。 除了內建先進音效技術、雙高階網路設計、多顯示卡輸出支援之外,更具備先進散熱功能及殺手級優質外觀的散熱片設計,技嘉G1-Killer主機板絕對是您專屬遊戲主機的最佳選擇。
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