GIGABYTE 15.6" Ultra Slim Laptop U35F - Exceed The Limits 勁薄筆電

par Gigabyte Technology

In pursuit of ultimate excellence and perfection, the GIGABYTE R & D Team built the GIGABYTE 15.6" invincible laptop U35F. Packing features beyond comprehension, the all new U35F will knock your socks off! With a dedicated NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 750M GPU, an exceptional 4th generation Intel® Core™ processor, quad-storage system support up to 512GB mSATA SSD +512GB mSATA SSD + 1TB HDD+ 1TB HDD, the U35F delivers results like no other slim laptop out there. Pioneering the design of simple-swap, removable ODD / HDD slot, an exceptional 1080p Full HD display, a high-quality stereo subwoofer, Dolby Home Theater sound quality optimization technology, and high quality multimedia with HDMI digitalized interface delivers incredible visual, audio, and speed that is unprecedented in the industry. Check out the all new U35F from GIGABYTE. 技嘉研發團隊秉持極限運動者勇於挑戰、追求極致完美精神,打造15.6吋極致勁薄筆電U35F,不可思議僅21mm纖薄機身,裝載NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 750M繪圖晶片、第4代 Intel® Core™ 標準電壓處理器、支援高達512GB mSATA SSD+512GB mSATA SSD+1TB HDD+1 TB HDD超大硬碟系統等強大規格配備,搭配可抽換光碟機/硬碟插槽先鋒設計、1080p Full HD高畫質螢幕、立體重低音喇叭與第四代杜比家庭劇院音效技術、HDMI高畫質數位傳輸,開創超薄筆電前所未見的影、音、速效能極致新典範,喜歡挑戰的你絕不容錯過駕馭U35F的快感體驗!

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