par Focus home interactive

Http:// Join us for a tour in our offices. Founded in 1996, Focus Home Interactive is an independant French publisher based in Paris, France. Known for the quality, diversity and originality of its catalogue, Focus has published and distributed original titles that have become benchmark titles worldwide - such as Blood Bowl, Wargame, Sherlock Holmes, Bound By Flame, Styx: Master Of Shadows, TrackMania, Cities XL, SpaceRun, Runaway... In the next months, Focus will publish ambitious games such as Space Hulk: DeathWing, the Eugen Systems' new title Act of Aggression and Blood Bowl 2. Also coming soon Etherium, a dynamic, nervous RTS, the official video games of Le Tour de France, Call Of Cthulhu and Mordheim, the video game adaptation of Games Workshop's tabletop game.

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