Enabling Sustainable Innovation

par Finance Innovation

France-Europe-Israel Breakfast ● ClimaTech, Fintech Green and Greentech State of the Art in Europe & Israel ● How Israel became the Startup Nation (and its Scale Up Nation progress) ● Funding the Green Deal, challenges and opportunities Gathering + Early networking + breakfast served - Welcoming words, by Finance Innovation & Raphaël Attias - Agenda, led by André Dan - 3 IL speakers, led by Yossi Dan 1- Shani Zanescu, Co-founder at PLANETech, Climate tech Investor, Forbes 30U30 2- Orly Glick, Co-founder & CEO at ESGgo, Guest Speaker at Tel Aviv University 3- Anat Tsour, Venture Capitalist; Active Chairwoman, Senior Advisor, Lecturer - Panel with FR+EU+IL Sustainable Innovation leaders / startups, moderated by André Dan 1- Armando Priegue Freire, Founding Partner at Axeria, ViraTec ClimaTech project in Galicia, Spain 2- Yossi Dan, Managing Partner at Challengy Israel, CEO at Chutzpah Lab 3 – Laurent Hassid, President, Gotoimpact (Consulting firm in Market intelligence dedicated to sustainable markets) 4 – Erik Grab, Managing Partner, Movin’On (One of the biggest ecosystem around mobility) 5 – François-Xavier Hay, Co-founder & CIO, Wingsure

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