Discovering Letizia Vella’s newly relocated restaurant, The Golden Fork in Malta

par Michelin Restaurants

The MICHELIN Guide takes you on a trip to Malta to discover the treasures of this country, its chefs, its products and its producers. We take a closer look at Restaurant The Golden Fork, selected in the MICHELIN Guide 2022 Malta, run by Letizia Vella. A narrow street in Rabat city centre plays host to Letizia Vella’s new restaurant, The Golden Fork, which relocated from Attard in 2022. It sits within a small building dating from the 1500s and is an elegant little spot, with dining taking place in the atmospheric courtyard. Letizia’s personality shines through in creative dishes, where great quality local ingredients, seasonality, and Mediterranean flavours lead the way. We caught up with her to find out more about life at her new restaurant. #ChefsWorld #MICHELINGuideMLT #michelinstar22 *** For more gastronomic videos, subscribe to our channel: Go to our website:

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