5th Annual Bancassurance Forum Barcelona

par News Assurances

Bancassurance trends for 2012 were exposed at the 5th Annual Bancassurance Forum organised in Barcelona on February 15 and 16 by Fleming Europe. Two main trends were exposed through a lively and well-animated conference lead by a panel of leading bancassurers; the need for businesses to adapt to technology used by customers and to offer the best available service transparency is needed. With the wide spread of tablet use and other devices allowing an internet access, businesses should embrace new selling processes using multiple distribution channels. "The insurance industry must adapt itself to this new technological evolution, and as a result, as clients tend to be better informed, they also tend to be less loyal" says Tom de Witte, Insurance Distribution Director at KBC. The need today to be transparent with a customer is vital in order regain customer confidence. Stephan Moltzen, Head of Product Management at Deutsche Bank points out that there is a clear transition "coming from a product centric sales view of the organisation to a customer centric point of view" which has for objective to offer the best possible service to the customer. Conference Chairman and Senior Director at Oracle Insurance, Gold sponsor of the event, outlines how the bancassurance model has greatly advanced : "We are going down to micro-level understanding of how the channels are being segmented in terms of products, in terms of understanding of how those products pan out against regulation, how Solvency regulation and Basel III are impacting these products and how the product design has now changed in terms of segmentation". The bancassurance model seems to be reaching maturity today, giving hope for future exchanges on the subject. View all our videos : http://www.newsinsurances.co.uk/toutes-les-videos

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